Sunday, 8 March 2009

Hesa Hoblin

Woo! I managed to get Trax working with IK handles, something I didn't think was possible. This saves a heck of alot of time and is kinda annoying considering i just spent the morning trying to do it manually (and failing miserably.) The primary movement is there now i just need to get stuck in and tweak it all, which i think im gonna try doing in the graph editor cause then i can clean it up at the same time.

Now for the list of things not working. In creating the trax the weights on the stomach have gone stupid so im gonna have to clean them up, the IK on the left leg insists on trying to escape the mesh, a vertex on the right wrist insists on moving with the neck despite the fact theres no influence and all the textures have lost their bump maps so im gonna have to do them again...But i'm gonna finish this tonight! I need to start on the dialogue sequence i have planned so i cant afford to spend much more time on this.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009


Felt the need to post something seeing as i haven't posted a progress report in a while. The body is rigged... Ive setup set driven keys on the feet and individual set drive keys on all fingers on the fingers on the hands, anything that these don't cover will just have to be done individually. Theres IK handles in the legs, I originally wasn't going to have IK in the arms but because im doing a walk cycle like a gorilla he really needed them, so i now have two models one with and IK in the arms and one with an FK for when im animating a scene, having the two models is so much quicker and easier than having to have made an IK/FK switch. Once this was done it was onto painting weights... ive did it as best i can in the T-pose and then started a walk cycle with him and ive been cleaning up the weights as ive been going on.

Cleaning the weights is taking AGGGEESSS but i wanna get it done properly cause otherwise its going to look really bad, especially on the belly where there going to be quite alot of follow through. I have been having quite alot of trouble with random verts deciding their going to react to a completely different part of the body despite the fact they have no influence at all making them do this, ive checked in the weights and the components editor there is no reason for them to be doing this, so the only way i see round this is manually animating them back to the body, this isnt too much of a problem tis just a pain.

Edit: It looks like he has a cloud on his chest.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Somebody Call an Ambulance!

Gorilla down we have a gorilla down!!